Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms: Understanding the Impact of Stress Vices on Mental Health

Stress is an unavoidable part of life. Whether it stems from work, relationships, financial challenges, or personal struggles, everyone faces stress at some point. However, how we cope with stress significantly influences our overall mental health. Many individuals turn to vices such as food, drugs, alcohol, or even overexercising as a way to manage stress....

The Power of Boundaries: Why They Matter for Your Mental Health

Boundaries are an essential part of maintaining a healthy and balanced life. They define where we end and others begin, helping us manage our relationships, protect our mental health, and honour our needs. Despite their importance, many people struggle to establish or maintain boundaries, leading to feelings of overwhelm, resentment, or burnout. Let’s explore why...

The Busy Professional’s Guide to Creating a Meditation Space

You probably know that meditation is good  for your body and mind. Still, it can be a challenge for a busy professional to find a place to sit and think. Learn how to create a meditation space in your home or find a sanctuary nearby. After all, your surroundings play an important role in helping...

Practicing the Art of Non-Reaction with Meditation

Non-reaction is a practice that can benefit you and the people around you in many ways. Using deep breathing and meditation, you can learn to respond effectively to the stresses in your life instead of overreacting to them.  Non-reaction is important because it stops your negative emotions from running your life. If you practice non-reaction,...

15 Ways to Stay Grounded

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed as you’re juggling multiple responsibilities and trying to keep up with constant change? Maybe you feel like you’re bombarded by news and information, and being pulled in many directions. It can be hard to stay grounded unless you train your body and mind to stay calm under pressure. Try these...

5-Day Goals Setting Challenge – Day 5

Weekly Review Welcome to Day 5 of the goal setting challenge. Wow, you made it! Congratulations! Today we’re going to be talking about the needs for a weekly review. PRODUCTIVITY POINT: When it comes to building habits, systems, and goals, you’re goign to have some wins and losses. This is normal. You’re not perfected and...

5-Day Goals Setting Challenge – Day 4

Planning Your Days Welcome to day 4 of the goal-setting challenge. Did you identify your habits and rewards yet? Today we’re going to be discussing the important subject of planning your days. PRODUCTIVIITY POINT: Remember, Habits -> Systems -> Goals You’ve determined what you want, the systems that will get you there, and the habits...

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