Can a Doctor Prescribe Massage Therapy

Massage therapy has been widely used as one of the forms of complementary treatment for different diseases. Interestingly, many people are concerned about whether massage is a form of medical treatment that physicians can prescribe. The answer to this particular question wil be discussed in this article. What is Massage Therapy? Massage therapy is the...

5-Day Goals Setting Challenge – Day 5

Weekly Review Welcome to Day 5 of the goal setting challenge. Wow, you made it! Congratulations! Today we’re going to be talking about the needs for a weekly review. PRODUCTIVITY POINT: When it comes to building habits, systems, and goals, you’re goign to have some wins and losses. This is normal. You’re not perfected and...

5-Day Goals Setting Challenge – Day 4

Planning Your Days Welcome to day 4 of the goal-setting challenge. Did you identify your habits and rewards yet? Today we’re going to be discussing the important subject of planning your days. PRODUCTIVIITY POINT: Remember, Habits -> Systems -> Goals You’ve determined what you want, the systems that will get you there, and the habits...

5-Day Gratefulness Challenge – Day 5

The Silver Lining Welcome to day 5 of the mindfulness challenge. Wow, you made it! Congratulations! Aren’t you excited? Today we’re going to be talking about the power of ALWAYS being able to find something to be grateful for. Reflection: It may seem like a trite, cliché phrase, but there truly is ALWAYS a silver...

5-Day Gratefulness Challenge – Day 4

Gratitude Affirmations Welcome to day 4 of the gratitude challenge. What was it like saying, “Thank you,” to so many people? How did it change the way you went through your day? Today we’re going to be discussing the important gratitude affirmations. Reflection:  Gratitude affirmations go even beyond just saying, “Thank you,” to a person...

5-Day Gratefulness Challenge – Day 3

The Power of Saying “Thank You” Welcome to day 3 of the gratefulness challenge. I hope you found it helpful to do some gratitude journaling yesterday. Today we’re going to be talking about the power of saying, “Thank you.” This can totally change the way you experience life. REFLECTION: It’s two simple words that change...