Understanding Depression: Signs, Causes, and Seeking Help Depression is a common yet complex mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Though feeling down or sad is perfectly normal, depression extends beyond temporary feelings—it can impact daily life, relationships, and overall well-being. Sometimes it can feel impossible to escape depressions grip, especially if you...
Author: Reflective Soul Therapy & Wellness (Dave Web)
Building lasting healthy habits can sometimes feel overwhelming. With so many changes to make, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of “to-dos” and end up accomplishing very little. But what if the secret to success was simply focusing on less? As Leo Babauta wisely puts it: “The only way you’ll form long-lasting habits...
Have you ever reached for that extra scoop of ice cream after a long, stressful day, even though you weren’t physically hungry? You’re not alone. Many of us turn to food not just to satisfy a rumbling stomach but also to soothe our emotions. In this blog post, we’ll explore what emotional eating is, how...
Are you pretty good at eating healthy meals at home, but struggle to make choices that align with your goals any time you’re out of a “controlled” environment? It’s no secret that sticking to our nutrition goals can be a bit trickier when we’re faced with tempting menus, portion sizes and social gatherings. (Pizza and...
Anxiety is a natural human response that can be stimulated by a variety of factors, most notably stress, uncertainty and perceived threats. While anxiety is a perfectly natural emotion to experience, when it becomes persistent, severe, and impacts your daily life, it may indicate an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders come in a variety of forms,...
This is the type of abuse in which the abuser regularly humiliates and controls the victim by the use of verbal language, preventing him or her from making any independent decisions free from the abuser. It is pretty well known that feeling abused on an emotional level led to low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and other...
It has been postulated that about 60–70% of adults worldwide have been through at least one form of childhood trauma. These may include physical or sexual abuse, emotional abuse, or neglect, and they leave a lot of emotional damage that can never be healed. But it is crucial to understand that childhood trauma can heal....
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